Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle

The Four core values that dictate what we do are:

Innovation & Passion

Our people are the most valuable asset that has ensured the prosperity of our business. We constantly strive to empower our workforce to advance their technical skills and knowledge to excel at what they do.


Integrity is at the heart of our business. We work with partners who are fully committed to our code of practice. We ensure full compliance with the highest standards of honesty in all of our operations.

Customer Orientation

Customers have always been at the centre of what we do. For a customer, we are ready to walk the extra mile.


Being flexible is how we work. We respond quickly and efficiently to the fast-paced changes occurring in the world around us which allowed us to provide the best service to our international clients.